PinnedBuilding a Dynamic Github profile with Github ActionsShow off your Github activity, latest blogs, Spotify streams, and much more with dynamically updating GitHub Profile READMEs!Jan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
Into the Abyss — Crater Lake, a travelogue!A solo traveler’s journey to one of the deepest and the bluest of lakes there is; the Crater Lake a.k.a Lake Majestic!Sep 1, 2020Sep 1, 2020
Presenting the Code-r-Chef KitchenA Goto Place for delicious programming recipes.Jan 6, 20191Jan 6, 20191
Published inWe’ve moved to Bitmasked Dynamic ProgrammingHow to go from Fearing it to Conquering it!Jan 3, 20195Jan 3, 20195
Published inWe’ve moved to Perfect Programming Interview ProblemProgramming Interviews are hard!Nov 12, 20186Nov 12, 20186
Published inHackerNoon.comFun with array rotationsArrays are one of the most versatile data structures out there. Arrays form the basis of so many applications and numerous algorithms and…Sep 17, 20185Sep 17, 20185
Published inWe’ve moved to Gradient Descent and Backpropagation via Logistic Regression based Image…Build it, train it, test it, Makes it denser, deeper, faster, smarter! — Siraj RavalSep 7, 20183Sep 7, 20183
Published inWe’ve moved to Shortest Paths using Breadth First SearchDo you know the amount of global air traffic in 2017? Do you know what the rise has been for air traffic over the past several years …Jul 12, 20184Jul 12, 20184
Published inWe’ve moved to DemystifiedIn order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.Jul 12, 201814Jul 12, 201814
Published inWe’ve moved to deep dive into part-of-speech tagging using the Viterbi algorithmby Sachin Malhotra and Divya GodayalJun 8, 20185Jun 8, 20185